Monday, May 6, 2013

Changes, the vagaries of aging, and basil buttercream: my new obsessions.

So! You may have noticed a rather dramatic change to this blog, if you are one of the 4-5 people who have read it on a semi-regular basis. Changes include: a new title, all former posts erased, a format overhaul. Basically the only thing that has stayed the same, guys, is my hatred for feta cheese; I feel pretty comfortable saying you can continue to rely on that for the long haul.

What happened is, my friend had a blog, one that featured many adorable pictures of her little family. Then all of a sudden, right about the time I published my last post, she found another adorable blog - written entirely in Portuguese - also featuring many adorable pictures of her little family. Yes, of her little family.

So that's a pretty huge cautionary tale, and I grew terrified of ever using a first initial on this blog ever again, let alone publishing a photo of an actual human being in my life. I quit writing entirely for fear one of you guys would be totally creepy.

However! A big catalyst in the other direction is the fact that I have a) finally finished graduate school and b) not had much luck finding a job, as of this moment. So I sort of need something to pass the time. LUCKY YOU. So anyway, yes! Welcome back to my life, readers.


In other astonishing news, I turned thirty on Friday. No! I'm still having some issues with this. I am not a person to get too worked up about age, but I am having some strong feelings about no longer being a twenty-something. Mostly, they involve my deepening wrinkles and increasingly frequent gray hairs.

To combat these emotions, I took a pretty solid break from carb avoidance to bake a chocolate cake with basil buttercream, a recipe I have been obsessing over for the past two months. It turned out AMAZINGLY, if I do say so myself. I am not going to recopy the recipe I used here - instead, feel free to follow the impeccable directions and drool over the gorgeous pictures here on the Vanilla Bean blog, like I did.

But I will close with a super hip Instagram of my warming basil as a consolation prize for your having to click over for the recipe.

So artsy.

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