Monday, July 15, 2013

Comfort food / objects.

Last week was kind of awful. And I don't mean that in a global, political / social sense - though I'm sure there are plenty of things to say about plenty of things of that nature re: last week - I mean like, my week kind of sucked. It was just that low-grade, garden-variety sort of semi-terrible that saps you will to live without giving you anything really juicy to complain about.

(Side note: isn't it the worst when that sort of week coincides with really beautiful weather? You'd think the weather would cheer you up, but it just kind of mocks you and makes everything even lamer.)

The best antidote for weeks like that, I've found, are comfort foods. Slash objects. Do you guys have non-food things that could best be termed "comfort food" non-foods? Like, you could totally do without them, and you normally do, but they give you the warm fuzzies when you indulge?

Here's my list:

  1. Re-reading any of the Anne of Green Gables series. I can literally open any of those books in the middle and start reading, and know exactly what's going on and also feel a million times better.
  2. Watching Scrubs. Even though it's getting kind of dated, that makes it even more nostalgic-y and warm-fuzzy-making, for some reason.
  3. Listening to Simon and Garfunkel.
In terms of food, though, here's my food list. Sadly, I couldn't eat any of these last week, due to starting (and quitting, but that's a story for another day) the Whole30. I have big plans for this week re: eating/this list, though, especially if things don't start looking up:
  1. Bagel Bites (name brand only, any flavor, microwaved please.)
  2. DoubleStuf Oreos.
  3. Velveeta Shells and Cheese.
  4. Roasted sweet potatoes and carrots all mixed up.
I feel like you guys can probably figure out how to microwave some frozen mini bagel pizzas, but here's my best recipe for the roasted veggies, if you're curious.

  1. Cut up a mess of sweet potatoes into inchish-square cubes. Throw some whole baby carrots in with them. Put it all in a glass baking dish or cast iron skillet.
  2. Toss with salt, pepper, and olive oil.
  3. Throw in a preheated oven (400*) for 45 minutes or until your whole house smells good and you can easily pierce the veggies with a fork.
  4. Take them out, eat them straight from the pan while burning your mouth because it smells/tastes really, really good.
  5. The end.

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