Wednesday, July 30, 2014


There is seriously nothing more boring/demoralizing than waiting for the arrival of your first baby. I get that things are probably a little more stressful when you already have a kid running around the house, and I'm well-aware of how lucky I am to be home from work... but good God, I'm bored.

The house is spotless, the baby's room is completely ready, we're all stocked up on dry goods and anything else we could possibly need (not that Amazon Prime with two-day shipping is going to stop existing after Junior gets here). I've been trying to walk three miles every day, but have officially destroyed my feet with blisters from the three pairs of shoes that fit right now, so that's on hold. I've been going swimming at my (sainted) in-laws' house frequently, but the weather is just a little too cool for that right now.

On the flip side, I feel too tired to bake cookies or walk around going shopping or doing anything else nonessential but still kind of productive, so.

Blergh, baby, get here.

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